It’s that time of year that I kick myself for not getting started with the gift knitting during the summer. Next year, I tell myself. Only time will tell.
In addition to gift knitting for my friends and family members, this year I am planning on making up something small for each of the kids’ teachers. Caitlyn and Ryan are LOVING being back in the classroom this year and both of their teachers are doing an amazing job of making this year everything it needs to be for them!
I spent some time searching Ravelry for fun projects that look like they will work up quickly for teacher gifts. There are so many great options for both knit and crochet!
I put together a Ravelry Bundle of a few of my top contenders. It might be my extreme love of coffee talking, but I’m leaning toward cup cozies for teacher gifts. I’ll pick up a reusable coffee cup and a Starbucks gift card to go with them. I may get crazy and try one knit and one crochet. I’m a knitter through and through, but I enjoy dabbling in crochet every now and then. A quick crochet cup cozy sounds like a fun evening.

Caitlyn found her love of reading this year and enjoys visiting the library to exchange books in the morning before class. She does this a lot as she is blazing through books these days. I think this new found love of reading has a lot to do with the librarian at her school and I am so thankful for her influence and guidance with finding new series for Caitlyn to dive into. I’m planning to enlist Cailtyn in helping me make a special bookmark as a gift.
Are you planning any makes for teacher gifts this year?