Yarn Talk
Holiday Kitty Ornament

When we met to discuss our small project ideas for the holidays, I immediately thought about QCY's black kitty logo. Janis, a longtime lover of black cats, sadly lost both of hers this year. Out of this loss, was born the idea of “BD Kitty” to honor Baxter and Diva. With that in mind, I suggested we create kits for a BD Kitty ornament inspired by Susan Claudino’s Snowball Buddies. It was a simple process to take Susan’s playful animal ornaments and create our “BD Kitty” version. We used Susan’s pattern for the Bunny snowball and modified it to create...
May = Maryland!
It’s Maryland Sheep and Wool Week!
You can find us (Yes BOTH OF US) Friday at Yarncentrick. We can’t wait to help you pick yarns for your next project. Tickets in advanced are HIGHLY encouraged, but there will be tickets at the door.
NaKniSweMo KAL-Knit a Sweater in a Month with QCY
Packing for Rhinebeck!
It's 3 pm the day before we start our journey to the Hudson Valley for Rhinebeck weekend. The yarn van is packed, the Ipad is charging and QCY is ready. Me.... ya that's a different story! Last on the to do list today is pack myself. That started yesterday with 120 loads of laundry. OK, really like five, but as I was dealing with laundry mountain last night at 10:30 it sure felt like 120! Packing always starts with knitting. I've got a sweater WIP, and on my to do list is winding yarn for a hat as well as yarn to start...
Rhinebeck Weekend
Rhinebeck is one of those events you HEAR about as a knitter! It was the talk of my knitting friends every fall. It’s an incredible weekend: the events, the friends, the knitwear, the vendors, the food, the scenery, and the cute Airbnb’s! Seriously every part of the experience is great! For those of you going, here are the details. For those of you not joining us, there are online shopping opportunities for you! When talking about Rhinebeck, you need to remember folks are talking about a whole weekend of events in and around the Hudson Valley! Festivities start on...